Monday, January 8, 2024

YOLO from 28 November to Chile King penguins Dec 2023


Jason enjoying a cup of sweet yerba mate tea the library staff brought in for us.  They followed with platefuls of sweets for us, too!  The town called 28 of November was quite friendly to us.

The abandoned hotel we parked next to to block the wind for a night.
YOLO parked next to the abandoned hotel.
These tiny red plants made the roadside look like it was a red lake in places.
Rio Gallegos had some unusual art in a large space next to the main road.  This giant hand was holding a big cherry.
This sundial and compass rose was another unusual piece we saw along the road.
We were the first vehicle to load on the Punta Delgada ferry to cross the Magellan Strait.  This crossing is at the narrowest point along the strait, so the trip was only about 30 minutes long.  They packed the ferry with cars, trucks, semis, motorcycles and buses!  No inches were left unfilled.
The ferry on the other side as a semi unloads after us.  We're now in Chile!
You can drive through Chile back into Argentina in the same day, but we took a detour to the penguin colony to see the King Penguins.
Our guide led us to a viewing blind across the river from the colony.
This is the only colony of King Penguins on the South American continent.  All others are on Antarctica, South Africa and Tasmania.
We weren't allowed to bother the birds or get closer, so the guide helped me take some photos through the viewing telescopic lenses.  The black circles are the edges of the lenses.
These guys were flapping and slapping and squawking, and some of them were swimming around.
King penguins are the second largest penguin behind the Emperor penguins way down on Antarctica.
Line up, boys!
Waddling down the bank to get into the water.
One of them swam across the river and walked towards us.  Curious fellow.
So many travelers' stickers on the sign, you can't even tell what city you're in!

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